35-2528 156 St, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC

Est. Mortgage /mo

MLS® R2848006


Closed at 29 May 2024
Listing price: $1,025,000
Dan Marusin
Dan Marusin
Renanza Realty
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3 Beds
4 Baths
3 Stories
lot 0 Square Feet
1557 sqft
2017 built
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Property details

Elegant end unit townhome in the heart of South Surrey, offering 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and a versatile flex room that could be used as an office, den or 4th bedroom. Modern West Coast design with an open concept layout, upgraded fireplace, gourmet kitchen featuring quartz counters w/ large waterfall island, gas range and generous sized powder on the main. Bright interiors with large windows, 10ft ceilings and engineered hardwood flooring. Positioned at the end of the complex, enjoy your privacy without neighbouring properties blocking your sight lines. Includes a fenced front yard, double garage with extra parking on the driveway and walkway on the side. Conveniently located near Morgan Crossing for shopping, fitness, and schools. Quality living awaits in this highly desired community.

Location Details

Area Canada
State British Columbia
City Surrey
Postal Code V4P 0E7
Sub-Area/Community Zirkon

Property Metrics

Total Bedrooms 3
Full Baths 4
Stories 3
Floor Area Total (Sq.ft) 1557

Financial Details

List Price 1,025,000
Gross taxes 3,338
Gross Taxes Year 2,023
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Listed by: RE/MAX City Realty

NOTE: This representation is based in whole or in part on data generated by the Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board or Greater Vancouver REALTORS® which assumes no responsibility for its accuracy.

Neighborhood Info

Public Schools

Jessie Lee Elementary School
Above Average
0.95 km
Rating 4.8/10
Semiahmoo Secondary School
Above Average
2.28 km
No Rating

Part of this information is provided by the Province of British Columbia under the Open Government License for Government of BC Information v.BC1.0. School boundaries and other statistics changes frequently and is for general informational purposes only. You should not use such information in determining the legal eligibility to attend any particular school.

Private Schools

Elementary, Secondary
Southridge School
Above Average
0.84 km
Rating 10/10
Elementary, Secondary
Southridge School
Above Average
0.84 km
Rating 10/10

Closest Transit

Westbound 24 Ave @ 156 St
0.25 km

35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 is serviced by Jessie Lee Elementary School. The property with listing MLS® R2848006 is located 0.95 km from the school. Jessie Lee Elementary School has a rating of Rating 4.8/10.

This home with address 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC is also serviced by Semiahmoo Secondary School and located 2.28 km from it. Semiahmoo Secondary School has a rating of No Rating.

The closest Elementary independent school to this home for sale located at 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 is Southridge School with School's rating Rating 10/10, located 0.84 km from this home.

The closest to this address 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 Secondary independent school is Southridge School with School's rating Rating 10/10, located 0.84 km from this home

The freshest crime data from Statistics Canada are from 2020. There were 44,976 volation disturbances in this neighbourhood. The overall crime rate near the address - 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC is 7,512.73. Rate is the amount of incidents per 100,000 population. Comparing to other Canadian cities it has Average rate in 2020. Year by year change in the total crime rate is -12.05%

Drug crime rate next to the listing MLS® R2848006 is Above Average comparing to other neighbourhoods. The illegal substances offences rating is 390.7. There were 2,339 illegal substances lawbreaking disturbances in this city in 2020 . Year by year change in the illegal substances offences ranking is 16.32%

Property crimes in the neighbourhood close to real estate listing for sale 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 are Average. Property misconduct rating adjacent to MLS® R2848006 is 3,746.17. There were 22,427 in the neighbourhood in 2020. Year by year change in the property misconduct rate is -16.98%

There were 7,844 violent lawbreaking disorders in 2020. 1,310.25 and it is Below Average rate comparing to other BC municipalities. Year by year change in the violent crime rate is -11.37%

The closest Bus station is Westbound 24 Ave @ 156 St in 0.25 km away from this listing with - MLS® R2848006.

24.9% of people with university certificate/degree live in this neighbourhood adjacent to the 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 which is Above Average in comparison with other BC neighbourhoods. 12.1% of population in this neighbourhood that is near the Listing MLS® R2848006 have no certificate or degree. This number is Low compared to the average in BC.

Median Household Income near this dwelling with the address 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC is $72474 which is Average in comparison with the British Columbia average. Median personal income near this dwelling with listing - MLS® R2848006 is $37069 which is Above Average in comparison with the BC average. % of the Households with a mortgage in this census subdivision is 55.1% which is Below Average.

Unemployment rate in the area around Real Estate Listing # R2848006 is 6.4 which is Below Average in comparison to the other province neighbourhoods.

This real estate is located in 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 Zirkon where population change between 2011 and 2016 was 1.2%. This is Average in comparison to average growth rate of this region.

Population density per square kilometre in this community near the address 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC is 2587.8 which is Above Average people per sq.km.

Average size of families in the area adjacent to home for sale 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 is 2.7. This is Below Average number in comparison to the whole region. Percent of families with children near by the Real Estate Listing - MLS® R2848006 is 54.2% and it is Below Average. % of Married or living common law is around 58.4% and it is Average.

Average age of the population close to the 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 is 46.7 . This percentage is High in comparison to other BC cities.

Average value of dwellings in this neighbourhood around 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC is $571762 and this is Above Average comparing to other areas in British Columbia

Average Owner payments are Average in the area adjacent to 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7. $1288 owners spent in average for the dwelling. Tenants are paying $1367 in this district close to MLS® R2848006 and it is High comparing to other cities.

20.7% of Population in this district near the 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 are Renters and it is Average comparing to other BC cities and areas.

% of English and French speakers around real estate listing 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC is 8.3%, it is Average, % of English speakers only is 90.2% and Average. % of Neither English nor French speakers close to home for sale 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC is 1.7% and it is Above Average comparing to other BC cities.

12.7% of all population in the area around this property with the address 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7, Surrey, BC using Public Transport which is Average, 79.8% of using population are using Cars around MLS® R2848006, which is Below Average. 0.7% of people using Bicycles around the 35-2528 156 Street, Surrey BC V4P 0E7 and it is Below Average. 6.8% of population are walking which is Above Average

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Calculate your monthly mortgage payments

Principal & Interest
Property Taxes $202
Maintenance fee 0

Listing Price Comparision

This house $1,400,000

No comparables

Fleetwood Tynehead $1,399,000 -6.38%
Data is based on list prices of similar active listings. This representation is based in whole or in part on data generated by the Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board or Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver which assumes no responsibility for its accuracy
Dan Marusin
Dan Marusin
Renanza Realty
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