MLS® R2948689
For the first time buyer or downsizer looking for a turn key home--this is it! Located at the end of a quiet street find this charming rancher beautifully renovated with a rustic flair. Featuring an open concept, 2 bedrooms, and 2 full bathrooms, you'll love the brilliant use of space. Extras include ductless AC, tile shower, and LED lighting. Outside find a true haven, offering a sprawling deck with hot tub, all around fencing, a new paver stone firepit area, in ground sprinklers, and a new concrete driveway. The detached heated workshop was designed as a multipurpose space, whether that be a work-from-home office, gym, or hobby space. If you're looking for a space to play road hockey, host your friends in your dream back yard, or just cozy up inside... many memories await here!
Floor | Type | Dimensions |
Main Level | Living Room | 18' x 18' ft |
Main Level | Dining Room | 13'3 x 13'3 ft |
Main Level | Kitchen | 13'9 x 13'9 ft |
Main Level | Primary Bedroom | 15'2 x 15'2 ft |
Main Level | Bedroom | 15'7 x 15'7 ft |
Main Level | Laundry | 13'9 x 13'9 ft |
Main Level | Patio | 43'11 x 43'11 ft |
Floor | Ensuite | Pieces |
Main Level | Yes | #4 |
Main Level | No | #3 |
NOTE: This representation is based in whole or in part on data generated by the Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board or Greater Vancouver REALTORS® which assumes no responsibility for its accuracy.
The closest Elementary independent school to this home for sale located at 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 is Chilliwack Adventist Christian School with School's rating No Rating, located 0.35 km from this home.
The closest to this address 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 Secondary independent school is Chilliwack Adventist Christian School with School's rating No Rating, located 0.35 km from this home
The closest Bus station is Young at Yates (SB) in 0.36 km away from this listing with - MLS® R2948689.
10.9% of people with university certificate/degree live in this neighbourhood adjacent to the 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 which is Below Average in comparison with other BC neighbourhoods. 20.3% of population in this neighbourhood that is near the Listing MLS® R2948689 have no certificate or degree. This number is Average compared to the average in BC.
Median Household Income near this dwelling with the address 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8, Chilliwack, BC is $66005 which is Average in comparison with the British Columbia average. Median personal income near this dwelling with listing - MLS® R2948689 is $32245 which is Average in comparison with the BC average. % of the Households with a mortgage in this census subdivision is 66.4% which is Above Average.
Unemployment rate in the area around Real Estate Listing # R2948689 is 7.1 which is Below Average in comparison to the other province neighbourhoods.
This real estate is located in 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 where population change between 2011 and 2016 was 0%. This is Average in comparison to average growth rate of this region.
Population density per square kilometre in this community near the address 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8, Chilliwack, BC is 2456.5 which is Above Average people per
Average size of families in the area adjacent to home for sale 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 is 2.8. This is Below Average number in comparison to the whole region. Percent of families with children near by the Real Estate Listing - MLS® R2948689 is 56.3% and it is Average. % of Married or living common law is around 58.6% and it is Average.
Average age of the population close to the 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 is 40.7 . This percentage is Average in comparison to other BC cities.
Average value of dwellings in this neighbourhood around 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8, Chilliwack, BC is $353219 and this is Average comparing to other areas in British Columbia
Average Owner payments are Below Average in the area adjacent to 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8. $1061 owners spent in average for the dwelling. Tenants are paying $1160 in this district close to MLS® R2948689 and it is Above Average comparing to other cities.
18.3% of Population in this district near the 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 are Renters and it is Average comparing to other BC cities and areas.
% of English and French speakers around real estate listing 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8, Chilliwack, BC is 4.8%, it is Below Average, % of English speakers only is 94.8% and Above Average. % of Neither English nor French speakers close to home for sale 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8, Chilliwack, BC is 0.4% and it is Below Average comparing to other BC cities.
0% of all population in the area around this property with the address 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8, Chilliwack, BC using Public Transport which is , 93.5% of using population are using Cars around MLS® R2948689, which is Above Average. 1.6% of people using Bicycles around the 9687 Maurice Street, Chilliwack BC V2P 5B8 and it is Above Average. 3.6% of population are walking which is Average
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